Cherry Barb 2-3cm
Cherry barbs are a peaceful schooling fish that can happily live in a community tank. The male cherry barbs bright red colour and the females duller red makes the two genders easy to tell apart.
Cherry barbs are a peaceful schooling fish that can happily live in a community tank. The male cherry barbs bright red colour and the females duller red makes the two genders easy to tell apart.
Cherry barbs are a peaceful schooling fish that can happily live in a community tank. The male cherry barbs bright red colour and the females duller red makes the two genders easy to tell apart.
Additional Info Diet
pH= 6-8 Cherry barbs will eat live or frozen bloodworm, Artemia and Daphnia.
Temp= 23°c-27°c They can also have flakes as a base diet.
Max size= 5cm